Blog 3 - The Writer’s Well


Some words of wisdom

PODCAST REVIEW - The Writer’s Well . 9th Aug 2020

Conversations about writing from Craft to Wellness – By Rachael Herron and J Thorn.

The world is flooded with podcasts and I have a folder of links dedicated to writing related ones. It is impossible to listen to them all and over the last year I have cleared the list to a chosen few only to find more to add, many of which I’ve not listened to once!

There a few that I keep on the list and this is one of those.

I listen to The Writer’s Well each week.

I’ve not missed an episode since it changed from The Petal to The Metal in July 2018 with episode 80 and I have listened to the original 1-79 too. Wait- I’ve been listening to them for that long?

There is something special about this podcast that I’ve not experienced on any other and that is the sense of being part of it. There is a community of listeners who comment and interact after each episode. For example, a few episodes ago there were 78. Usually it is around 30, sometimes a few less, but there are always some. And there is always one early bird who is first with the comment.

So, what do Rachael and J do on this podcast?

Rachael and J invite us into their lives with a chat about their writing and general issues and then one of them asks a question which they both answer and discuss before asking the listeners the same question. Each week they discuss comments from the week before, pulling the listeners into the show, and appreciating the time spent listening and commenting.

Two friends having a chat about things that matter when you are a writer.

The last podcast of every month is health related, and these can be uncomfortable to think about sometimes, but that’s what Rachael and J do. They raise issues and instigate thinking about the issues in a safe space.

They are honest with their answers, revealing worries, weakness, failures, realisations, successes, and joys. This openness encourages listeners to express their thoughts without any worry of judgement from others.

There feels like a community rather than a podcast, writers helping writers.

Whether it is simply a question about your morning routine or how you cope with the financial side of writing these questions are worth hearing and thinking about.

Check it out and I’ll see you in the comments section.

Copyright © 2020 Jenni Clarke Author. All Rights Reserved

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