My interviews with authors around the world.
Interview SJ Gungum Author Interview 28th Dec 2020
Sarah also blogs, writes personal biographies, memoirs and poems for weddings, birthdays, and special occasions.
To find out more about Sarah and her writing please visit
Hello Sarah
Me – My first question is
Which aspect of the writing process do you enjoy the most? And why?
Sarah - I don’t know if I have a specific aspect of my writing process that I enjoy the most. However, I do enjoy when I can ‘put a story to bed.’ The reason for this is because it gives me a sense of accomplishment. I can then move on to the next project.
Me – The sense of accomplishment is a good feeling. I also like to start new projects.
What distracts you when you are in writing flow? Is there anything you do to counter this?
Sarah - I’m afraid I get easily distracted, especially since we are still in the process of renovating our 200+ year old French house! In addition, I have a rare condition called Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia- Type 1 (MEN_1) which also affects my ability to concentrate, recall things, and causes problems with my memory in general. This has a knock-on effect whereby I sometimes cannot write. This can last for days, weeks, or even months.
In order to counter these problems, I try not to let it get me down. I also watch my favourite show ‘Supernatural’ :-)
Me – What distractions you have. I so admire people who can rise above medical conditions and keep a positive attitude.
What aspect of a story comes to you first? Character, premise, plot, setting, beginning, ending?
Sarah - Usually a premise comes to me first. I could be sitting in a café and something happens and I think ‘Wow! That would make a good story’. Or something in the news could trigger off a story. Also, as I am the founder of a writing group in the Poitou Charentes, called PC Writers, I use ‘story dice’ and they have inspired many stories for myself and my members.
Me – Story dice are fun, and the prompts on your facebook group are great.
How do you know if an idea is best suited to being a short story, a flash fiction or a drabble?
Sarah - I usually don’t know the length of the story until I finish it! However, if I know I have to write a drabble or a flash fiction I try to keep to the word length and then cut it down to size.
Me – I enjoy the set limits of drabbles and flash, however they can be a challenge to stick to.
How do you decide which story to write next?
Sarah - I’m currently working on my historical novel, but I do complete the PC Writers monthly challenge in between my novel. If I’m having a ‘block’ with my novel, I try to improve other short stories.
Me – Having more than one project for those difficult moments in writing is a good idea.
What has been the most satisfying moment in your writing career?
Sarah - When I see my short stories up on Amazon and I complete another section of my website -
Me – It is very satisfying to see your stories published.
What is the strangest observation from the real world that has made it into one of your books?
Sarah - I’m afraid I ‘killed off’ an ex-boyfriend in one of my stories. I have also used a real-life complaint of a mobile telephone company to inspire another short story. (No-one was killed off in this one.)
Me – Oh my, remind me never to get on your bad side.
What aspect of your personality have you explored through writing?
Sarah - I have tried to use humour in my writing, but it is difficult to do. I am a bit of a Stephen King fan, so I find I often veer off into the horror/thriller/dark side of writing.
Me – I think we all have a dark side to explore and express.
Of all the stories you have written, which have you learnt the most from?
Sarah - I have learnt the most from my historical novel. I took a small part of it and turned it into an independent short story for a competition. Although it was not accepted, I received great feedback. I’ve now taken that feedback on board and corrected my story accordingly.
Me – Entering competitions is a good way to receive feedback.
This last question is purely because I’m curious as to how author’s kickstart their brains and fuel their writing. What do you like to eat for breakfast?
Sarah - I have not felt hungry and therefore have not eaten breakfast in over a month. (This could be part of my MEN). So, I compensate by drinking too much coffee! :-)
Me – Coffee instead of breakfast? No that wouldn’t suit me, I’d be hyper and hungry!
Thank you, Sarah, for your time and interesting answers.
Please check out the links below for more information on Sarah and her writing
(also contact me on to buy the 'pocket reads' from me directly)
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Twitter: Novel Quill Website: @NovelQuill and PC Writers: @pcwritersgroup
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