Blog 13 Poem WIND DANCER


Some words of wisdom

Poem WILD DANCER  26th Oct  2020

A distant roar like the sound of waves on a pebble beach,

Growling louder,

My heart racing to meet it,

My eyes drawn to the trees beyond the glass of my window,

I’m supposed to be writing,


I watch as trees bow and wave in delight,

Wind tickling their branches,

Leaves swirl and dance, changing direction on a whim,

They knock playfully on the door,

Calling me to join in their wild capriciousness,

I am tempted,

I am lured,

I open the door and step out,

Breath snatched away,


Terrifying and delighting in equal measure,

I laugh and spread my arms,

Autumn colours twirl around me,

Leaves caressing and beckoning,

Buffeted and invited,

I am tempted,

I am lured,

I embrace the wildness swirling around me,

And inside me,

A wind dancer,

Swaying with the trees,

Being the rhythm of the storm,

Orchestrating sound and movement,

Only green clings to the branches now,

Holding on to summer’s taste,

Autumn is on the ground,

In my hair,

In my soul,

I laugh,

The sound swoops up,

Answered by a ferocious gust,

Encouraging beautiful, dying, leaves,

To let go,

Cavort with change,

Delight in the flow of life,

Be free to move on,

I listen,

I learn,

I return to my hut,

And write.

Copyright © 2020 Jenni Clarke Author. All Rights Reserved

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